General Info. Dimensions of the Ketubah 50 X 65 cm Ketubah Price Varies with purchase option choice Payment Preparation of the Ketubah will begin upon receipt of order and payment to be done through PayPal. Delivery time Varies with purchasing choice (Click for details) Printing Done on art paper with fine texture cream shade using special HP system with original colors used for art prints. According to HP this system provides durability for 200 years if protected under glass in indoor conditions.
About this Ketubah Original Text Style Orthodox Aramaic (Click here to view entire wording) Font Style A digital font ("Guttman Stam") selected by Tami for this paricular Ketubah design. Design
The structure in this Ketubah was inspired by a design for the Santa Maria La Blanca Synagogue in Toledo, Spain. The front wall supported by the front two columns has the letters "Chet" and "Mem", together: the Hebrew word "Chom", warmth. The words "Mazal Tov" form part of the geometric pattern on this wall, together with the two Stars of David. It is possible to change the letters in the two circles to the initials of the bride and groom—thus further personalizing this piece.
  On the back wall are painted two roses, the flowers of the love. The columns on this wall are represented by a tree which is symbolic of the Tree of Life, which in turn is symbolic of the Torah. The sentence "Im Eshkachech Yerushalaim- if I forget you O Jerusalem" is inscribed beneath the flowers and the large windows reveal a panoramic view of Jerusalem.
  The lion and the lamb, alluding to the Isaiah's prophecy of world peace, lie on each side of the text. The Menorah, on the bottom, with the word Shalom inscribed on it, is another reference to this theme. The bridal canopy meanders throughout the whole piece, tying the various parts together.
  The text around the perimeter of the Ketubah is extracted from the Torah and relates to some of the various dietary laws, a central part of a Jewish home.
  The text of the Ketubah itself is superimposed on a hand, formed by excerpts from love songs from the "Song of songs". This hand, or the five fingers ("Chamsa") has traditionally been used in Near Eastern cultures as a symbol for good luck, and as such, was also adopted the Jewish communities living amongst them.
Ketubah #9 - A Hand for Peace
A sample of the hand written calligraphy
from the original Ketuba
(available in option No. 1 and 2 only)
Ketubah #9 - A Hand for Peace_Text sample
Purchase Option #1
260$ (Tax + Shipment Included) The Ketubah exactly as it appears on the website (design and text), without the particulars of the couple.
Click for details
Purchase Option #2
490$ (Tax + Shipment Included) The Ketubah as it appears on the website (design and text), with the particulars of the couple added in by us prior to printing, with a font matching the handwritten text in the Ketubah.
Click for details
Purchase Option #3
400$ (Tax + Shipment Included) The Ketubah with an alternative text provided by you. We insert the alternative text using a digital font you will choose.
Click for details
This Ketubah was originally designed in 1984 and recomposed for digital printing in 2009. In the process of the conversion to a digital format, the original handwritten calligraphy was replaced with the digital font of suitable appearance which is in the picture.
Delivery time is from receipt of payment. The time is listed below as number of working days (i.e. not including weekends and holidays) according to the type of Purchase Option you have selected.
Destination Purchase Option No. 1 Purchase Option No. 2 Purchase Option No. 3
In Israel 24 working days 36 working days 30 working days
Abroad 35 working days 47 working days 42 working days
Please note
For limited edition Ketubot, delivery time is:
In Israel - up to 14 working days
Any other destinations - up to 28 working days