Please note: In order to fill your details into the Ketubah text, you need to send us the entire text, filled with your details. Immediately upon receipt of your completed and paid order we will proceed with the task of preparing your Ketubah. In order to prevent errors:
We warmly recommend: that you present the text as it appears in the website to the officiating rabbi for editing and filling in your details, before sending it back to us.
After you have returned the completed text to us it will not be possible to make changes, so please pay close attention to precision when filling in the details!!!
Delivery time is from receipt of payment. The time is listed below as number of working days (i.e. not including weekends and holidays) according to the type of Purchase Option you have selected.
Destination Purchase Option No. 1 Purchase Option No. 2 Purchase Option No. 3
In Israel 24 working days 36 working days 30 working days
Abroad 35 working days 47 working days 42 working days
Please note
For limited edition Ketubot, delivery time is:
In Israel - up to 14 working days
Any other destinations - up to 28 working days